What GPIOs are available on the OAK-D Pro? Do any of them support PWM?
And, specifically, can we control the FSIN line from a Script Node (and how do I find the pin number for that)?
Hi RogerWolff ,
On OAK-D-Pro we don't have any GPIOs exposed (even on PCB), so I would suggest an OAK-D Pro PoE which has aux M8 connector that exposes FSIN/STROBE lines. Thoughts?
Thanks, Erik
I believe we are looking into using PoE as well. But for the OAK-D cameras, we apparently are going to have the FSIN and STROBE lines exposed through a custom added PicoBlade from the PCB. So I think we should be able to use them. I just need to know a) if it's supported on OAK-D, and b) what the magic pin numbers are.
Hi RogerWolff ,
I apologize, I wasn't aware you were using the custom hardware I have reached out to your company on our shared Slack channel (as it might contain info about your IP).
Thanks, Erik