Hello Luxonis team, I am interested in megaAI, and I'd like to know:

  1. Whether is megaAI still available?
  2. Does Luxonis provide ODM or Production service for projects using megaAI?


  • erik replied to this.

    Hi Johannasss !
    Yes, we just renamed it to OAK-1 instead🙂 And now we also expanded our product offering to include OAK-1-Lite (different camera sensor), OAK-1-W (wide FOV), and OAK-1-Max (WIP; 48MP color cam!).
    Regarding ODM/services - we do, please contact sales@luxonis.com for additional info.
    Thanks, Erik

      erik Thanks for the reply. I checked the OAK-1, but it seems not a board, in fact, I am looking for a tiny PCBA like the megaAI. And one question more, on mouser's list it says "Lightweight: 2oz", is this the right board weight? I think a PCBA won't be that heavy, right?

      • erik replied to this.

        Hi Johannasss ,
        My bad, yes we also have OAK-1-PCBA (so OAK-1 without an enclosure). And you are right, the weight is about 2oz (55g) with the enclosure (OAK-1), so it would weight a bit less without an enclosure (but with heatsink instead).
        Thanks, Erik