• DepthAI
  • OAK-D, PyCharm, Apple Silicon

Getting setup to run depth_demo.py in the PyCharm IDE, I ran into problems installing dependancies.

PyCharm has an installer for Apple Silicon, and I used that, but it looks like they are running their terminal as M1 native, and the dependancies need to be x86, so they fail to install.

The solution for me:

First, install Rosetta.

arch -x86_64 python3 install_requirements.py
arch -x86_64 python3 depthai_demo.py

Another solution might be to create a copy of terminal that is configured to use Rosetta, and then set that up as the default terminal in PyCharm.

    waveterm Thank you for sharing this! We just bought another M1 Mac to help build tutorials (we had bought one, but Philip just bought another), so we can likely start making videos around these setups.

    Thanks again,