Hello !
I'm trying to build depthai-core-example-main by using depthai-core-v2.17.3-win64 on VS2022.
However, it has compiler error C2838 'Empty' : illegal qualified name in member declaration on line 65 and 79 in depthai-core-v2.17.3-win64\include\depthai-shared\common\optional.hpp.
Somebody please tell me How should I do.
Thanks in advance.
depthai-core-example-main has compiler error C2838 'Empty' in optional.hpp
Hi themarpe, thank you for your reply.
The libnop library is now from https://github.com/luxonis/libnop master,
although from https://github.com/google/libnop master at first.
I tried including encoding.h file, but error message was same.
Should I use other branch of the libnop library ?
Thank you for your continued support.
As additional informations,
I installed
<package id="nlohmann.json" version="3.11.2" targetFramework="native" />
from nuget.org.
And added include directory in VS2022:
That's all.