Here is the output with the depthai demo:
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========= Starting: Launcher (2022-08-15 10:34:22.331178) =========
HEAD detached at v3.1.2
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: launcher/windows/build.ps1
deleted: launcher/windows/download_dependencies.ps1
deleted: launcher/windows/inno_setup.ps1
deleted: launcher/windows/installer_win64.iss
deleted: launcher/windows/src/create_shortcut.ps1
deleted: launcher/windows/src/prerequisite.ps1
deleted: launcher/windows/version.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Current commit: 2841c92c394a24f010b480998eef0ef11e5ae0dc
Current tag: v3.1.2
Available DepthAI versions: ['v0.3.0.0', 'v0.4.0.0', 'v0.4.1.1', 'v1.0.0', 'v1.0.0.0', 'v2.0.0', 'v2.10.0.0', 'v2.7.2.0', 'v2.8.0.0', 'v2.9.0.0', 'v3.0.0', 'v3.0.1', 'v3.0.10', 'v3.0.11', 'v3.0.12', 'v3.0.12', 'v3.0.2', 'v3.0.3', 'v3.0.4', 'v3.0.5', 'v3.0.6', 'v3.0.7', 'v3.0.7', 'v3.0.8', 'v3.0.9', 'v3.1.0', 'v3.1.0', 'v3.1.1', 'v3.1.1', 'v3.1.2']
Current tag: v3.1.2, ver: 3.1.2
Using depthai module from: C:\Users\jlclemon\AppData\Local\Programs\DepthAI\venv\lib\site-packages\depthai.cp39-win_amd64.pyd
Depthai version installed:
Setting up demo...
Available devices:
[0] 18443010E162671200 [X_LINK_BOOTLOADER]
Enabling low-bandwidth mode due to connection mode... (protocol: XLinkProtocol.X_LINK_TCP_IP)
Setting PoE video quality to 50 to reduce latency...
IR drivers found on OAK-D Pro: ['LM3644 on bus 2']
--> Go to the Depth
tab to enable!
Creating MJPEG link for MonoCamera node and left xlink stream...
Creating MJPEG link for MonoCamera node and right xlink stream...
Creating MJPEG link for ColorCamera node and color xlink stream...
And as for running the mono camera preview, only the left camera stream opens. The right stream does not pop up and there is not output about why. I can verify that with my oak D lite I get both streams with this demo.
For helping troubleshoot I am attaching an example color image and the left image I get from the demo script.