I have some question with OAK-D Pro Wide(OV9782).
- We know like this. the current default setting of Color camera is 30 frames 1920 1080.
In this case, Based on our test, the lag occurs such as the depth camera shows a real-time image, but the color camera gradually slows down and the image comes out 1 second earlier. So it seems the captured time of the images is different between stereo camera and color camera.
And one more thing, When I set it to 10frame, I didn't test for a long time, but there was no slowdown problem.
So we want to know if I can create an additional function to still receive the synced latest video with stereo camera and color camera.
We would like to know when can we get the C C++ CODE of the WIDE camera.
AI Network file is *.yml, but we hope to know whether it is possible to convert it to Hef or not.
Best regards,