Conencted 1 x IMX378FF and 2 x OV9282-W to the OAK-FFC-3P and get the following:

Depthai version installed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\depthai\depthai_demo.py", line 1075, in <module>
File "\depthai\depthai_demo.py", line 600, in runQt
from gui.main import DemoQtGui
File "\depthai\gui\main.py", line 7, in <module>
from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine, qmlRegisterType, qmlRegisterSingletonType, QQmlEngine
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing QtQml: The specified module could not be found.
Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-Break to quit
Error while running demo script... Command '"\Python\Python310\python.exe" depthai_demo.py --noSupervisor --guiType qt' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Waiting 5s for the device to be discoverable again...
Setting up demo...
Available devices:
[0] 18443010B1FB841200 [X_LINK_UNBOOTED]
[18443010B1FB841200] [1.1] [22.902] [system] [warning] Calibration Data on device is empty
USB Connection speed: UsbSpeed.SUPER
Disabling depth...
No previews available, adding defaults...
[18443010B1FB841200] [1.1] [23.227] [system] [error] Attempted to start Color camera - NOT detected!

Any ideas?

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi RHulme , to which FFC ports do you have these FFC cameras connected to? I don't think depthai-demo already supports custom camera placement, we should be able to add this soon.
    Thanks, Erik