• DepthAI
  • `getMxId` returns IP address for PoE devices

I'm attempting to use multiple OAK-D-POE on a single host. I was planning on addressing using the MxId, but I see that for PoE devices, getDeviceByMxID needs the IP address instead of the MxId (at least for v.2.10.0, which we're using). I'm guessing it'll be possible to assign IPs to the cameras, but are there any plans on making the MxId addressing work?

This post seems to suggest as much, but can't tell what progress was made: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/434-dai-devicebootloader-getallavailabledevices-not-working-in-c/2

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi erik, thanks for your response. Does this mean that getDeviceByMxID has been fixed in recent versions to accept MxIds for PoE devices?

    • erik replied to this.

      abroekhof Yes, if it's in the same LAN you can loop through all available devices and get their MXID and connect to it. Or you can specify IP directly - both should work.
      Thanks, Erik