erik Thank you for the reply. Interesting that I didn't get any email notifications.
I tried messing with that value, and it got worst(screenshot). Then I tried messing with yoloDet.setConfidenceThreshold(0.8)
[changed 0.5→0.8] and that worked out for me. Thanks again this worked for me(setConfidenceThreshold). From my understanding IOU, higher of it should give better results, whereas in this code the lesser it is the better (correct me if i am wrong)
with yoloDet.setIouThreshold(0.8) & yoloDet.setConfidenceThreshold(0.5)

with yoloDet.setIouThreshold(0.1) & yoloDet.setConfidenceThreshold(0.8)

Code Snippet: Github - OR Pastebin