• DepthAI
  • how to cat left_rectified and right_rectified in a pipeline

Hi @erik ,

I built a custom model which will take a combined_img as input. The combined_img is defined as following:

def preprocess(left_rectified,right_rectified):
    left_img = np.expand_dims(left_rectified, 2)
    right_img = np.expand_dims(right_rectified, 2)
    combined_img = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.concatenate((left_img, right_img), axis=-1) / 255.0, dtype=tf.float16)
    return combined_img

Is there a way to build the following pipeline using depthai?

         ------->  preprocess(left_rectified,right_rectified)  -->  custom model blob 

Could you please help to point me to a reference code or example links to show how to build the above pipeline and run in oak camera?

Thanks a lot for your help.

  • erik replied to this.