If anyone else has the same problem as me in the Oak-D not fitting on a camera tripod (because the fixing plate is vertical, whereas cameras are normally horizontal)- I've made a 3d-printable bracket

Let me know if you want the model & I'll send it to you- looks like the below
You just need a couple of screws with the right thread - I think 3/8"


Nice. I encounter the same problem of having difficulty to mount this thing. It would be nice to share your model over a link such that I can download. Thanks a lot.

Hello barney2074 , Thanks for sharing, I would also suggest uploading it to https://www.thingiverse.com/ , as there are a few similar models/brackets available as well. And we agree the tripod mounting isn't placed on the best spot when it comes to OAK-D, so with OAK-D S2 we have placed tripod mount on the bottom🙂
Thanks, Erik