Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get a squared image into a NN Node, apply a Semantic Segmentation model to it, and key out the alpha into the image.
It's working fine using the following:
A) Image Manipulation from RGB Cam
1)Image Manipulation(IM1) on Preview RGB camera -> cropping to the center to get a square image,
2)Image Manipulation on IM1 -> resizing to the size of the model I'm using ( in this case 256x256).
B) The example provided
Then using a Neural network node and a RawBuffer to process the 256x256 image.
The first problem is that using 2 image manipulation makes it a little slower when using the Neural network afterwards.
When removing the NN part, I still get a slight delay on the resized cv::Mat :

I was wondering if there was an other way to get a sqaured image to be processed by the NN without having to use an image manipulator, maybe using the preview?
I'm not sure what kind of offset I would get between video and preview in thise case?
Second problem is the Neural Network processing seem a little choppy.
I'm doing:
// startup
// Define source and output
auto xin = pipeline->create<dai::node::XLinkIn>();
auto xoutPreview = pipeline->create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();
auto xoutRgb = pipeline->create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();
auto nnOut = pipeline->create<dai::node::XLinkOut>();
auto resizeManip = pipeline->create<dai::node::ImageManip>();
resizeManip->initialConfig.setResize(previewSize.x, previewSize.y);
std::tuple <int, int> resVid = camRgb->getPreviewSize();
float ratio = (float(std::get<0>(resVid)) - float(std::get<1>(resVid))) / float(std::get<0>(resVid));
float ratioXMin = ratio / 2.;
float ratioXMax = 1.0 - ratio / 2.;
offsetCrop = { ratioXMin, ratioXMax };
auto cropManip = pipeline->create<dai::node::ImageManip>();
cropManip->initialConfig.setCropRect(ratioXMin, 0, ratioXMax, 1);
cropManip->setMaxOutputFrameSize(camRgbNode->getCam()->getPreviewHeight() * camRgbNode->getCam()->getPreviewWidth() * 3);
xin->setMaxDataSize(300 * 300 * 3);
// Linking
//camera to screen
// segmantation to Screen
// Connect to device and start pipeline
device = new dai::Device(*pipeline, dai::UsbSpeed::SUPER);
qRgb = device->getOutputQueue("previewNN", 4, false);
qNN = device->getOutputQueue("segmentation", 4, false);
inDataInQueue = device->getInputQueue("nn_in");
qCam = device->getOutputQueue("rgb", 4, false);
tensor = std::make_shared<dai::RawBuffer>();
then in in update:
if (qCam) {
std::shared_ptr<dai::ImgFrame> inPreview = qRgb->tryGet<dai::ImgFrame>();
std::shared_ptr<dai::ImgFrame> inRgb = qCam->tryGet<dai::ImgFrame>();
if (inPreview) {
cv::Mat previewFrame = inPreview->getCvFrame();
toPlanar(previewFrame, tensor->data);
std::shared_ptr<dai::NNData> inDet = qNN->tryGet<dai::NNData>();
// then update mask
std::vector<dai::TensorInfo> vecAllLayers = inDet->getAllLayers();
if (vecAllLayers.size() > 0) {
std::vector<std::int32_t> layer1 = inDet->getLayerInt32(vecAllLayers[0].name);
if (layer1.size() > 0) {
// update ref texture
Is the order of the Update correct?
1) get Preview frame to tensor->data
2) send tensor with DataInputQueue
3) get NNData from DataOutputQueue
The code is on github here, using Nap Framework, but i can provide it in a one filer, ๐.
Thanks for your help,