We are interested in utilizing some ImageManip features and passing the results to a UVC node. For example, we would like to crop a 1920x1080 area from the 4K sensor and present that over UVC.
There seem to be some issues when applying ImageManip output to a UVC node, however. Primarily, the image usually shows up as green and cropping can sometimes tile the image. From reading the documentation, I believe the issue is that the UVC node requires NV12 input whereas the ImageManip node only supports outputting to RGB888p, BGR888p, or GRAY8.
Is this currently possible, or are there any plans to support this in the future? I have seen post #627 on the forums that mentions NV12 support is a WIP on the image_manip_refactor branch. I did try out this branch and seem to have the same results, but I was curious if this may solve our use case when completed?
Thank you in advance!