• DepthAI
  • Full width detection finding Y coordinate

Probably there's an example of AI searching the full width of Oak-D image and returning the Y coordinate of bounding box? I'm planning on cropping the X dimension to give full attention to Y dimension. This will work with custom AI set downloaded from Roboflow and processing on headless Raspberry Pi on robot. Is this where "letterboxing" would work? The experimental DepthAI packages on Github are impressive! Good work!

  • erik replied to this.
    7 days later

    Yes, I created my nn model on Roboflow and it does fair detection, even with a full width rgb image that is 300 high. However, to get the model into the camera in order to run with a Raspberry Pi? There doesn't seem to be a good, simple tutorial about how to do that.
    In what format should I download it from Roboflow? How is it converted into Openvino IR format? With .xml and .bin files? How then, to compile that into a MyriadX blob format? I'd like to find a tutorial that doesn't assume I've already done this 10 times! I'm fairly skilled with Python and the terminal command line but not with Jupyter notebooks.
    By the way, the link to OpenVino conversion in Luxonis Docs is broken. 404!

    • erik replied to this.

      Hello Russ76 ,
      I apologize for the delay. I am not familiar with Roboflow, but after checking their webpage I found Deploying to OAK tutorial and Roboflow OAK course. OAK cameras work with RPi the exactly same way as with any other host computer (more info here).
      Docs on compiling into Myriad X blob can be found here. Could you share where the broken link is please, so we can fix it?
      Thanks, Erik

      "Compile MyriadX blob

      To receive a MyriadX blob, the network has to be already in OpenVINO IR format (consisting of .xml and .bin files) that will be used for compilation. We won’t focus here on how to obtain this representation for your model, but be sure to check official OpenVINO conversion guide."

      This is on Tutorial/First Steps/setup

      The OpenVino link is 404

      Roboflow says they are developing a PIP installer for Raspberry Pi and Oak that should work better than their present solution. With a Linux laptop they use Docker but it won't work for Raspi. AI is hard enough without so many models and so many tweaks necessary for the different platforms!

      Do you mean the link from the img below? It works as expected for me (to this page)

      Regarding the Roboflow issue - I think it would be best to contact them directly and ask for ETA on the pip package they are working on.
      Thanks, Erik