Hi all,
I'm using an imageManip node to return a cropped frame from my camera. So far it works fine 😁 ... however I only get a grayscale image returned although the input is in BGR888p format from an rgb cam.
I see in the docs:
ImageManip node supports the following image formats:
for RGB input/output types only RGB888p / BGR888p (planar, not interleaved)
RAW16 input, but can only for cropping (use-case: depth map), outputting same format
can output GRAY8 (either as single plane, or 3-plane RGB as set with setFrameType()), but only from these inputs: RAW8, GRAY8, YUV420p (ColorCamera isp), NV12 (ColorCamera video / still)
I don't get how that highlighted part above works.
adding this to my node:
doesn't seem to have any visible impact.
Any tips in where I might be going wrong?