I’m currently working with the OAK-D.
I am using data captured as input into Kimera-VIO (MIT-SPARK/Kimera-VIO) and I need some direction regarding the IMU noise parameters.

Specifically, I’m looking for the following values (they are required by Kimera-VIO):

  • imu_bias_init_sigma
  • gyroscope_noise_density
  • gyroscope_random_walk
  • accelerometer_noise_density
  • accelerometer_random_walk

I’ve already taken a look at the datasheet(https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_VR_IMU_Breakout_BNO086_QWIIC/assets/component_documentation/BNO080_085-Datasheet_v1.16.pdf) but was unable to locate this information. Could someone point me to where I might find these values, or provide guidance on how to derive or estimate them?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.