Hi, I'm running an application where I am using 10 metre externally powered 3.0 active usb extension cords with my OAK-1 MAX's. The issue is that occasionally, if a camera disconnects from the application/computer, it will remain powered due to the external power from the extension cable despite losing signal/power from the computer. This locks the OAK into a limbo state where it cannot be detected again but will never power off because power is still being supplied to it through the external cable. Is there any way at all to mitigate this issue?
Externally Powered Cables Causes OAK to Never Boot Off
Thanks for the reply!
Interesting, what do you mean by boots into a different USB state? I don't think I've tried exactly lsusb (the issue is sporadic and hard to reproduce so testing has been difficult) but I know the issue causes at least my Python program to not be able to find the camera, and will continue not to be able to find the camera until I manually unplug and replug in the camera from the external power.
This is in contrast to "normal" XLink errors on my unpowered cables. It seems like when the device loses connection there, the program is readily able to refind the camera on program restart.