I have an OAK 4 S that I'm trying out for object detection. I ran this detection network example:
1. This runs at 30fps. Given that rvc4 can handle significant higher fps, is this performance limited to 30fps by the camera fps?
2. Instead of using the live image from the camera, I want to feed my own CV image to the neural network and visualise the results. I can't find any examples in Python that help me connect the neural network input to a node that can take in a static CV image. Can you please help me with that?
3. Adding on to 2, the detection network takes the camera node for its build method:
detectionNetwork = pipeline.create(dai.node.DetectionNetwork).build(cameraNode, dai.NNModelDescription("yolov6-nano"))
If I want to feed static images and not use any camera node. How do I create the detection network? (apart from feeding it images, which I don't know how to do, as mentioned in point 2).