I am working with an OAK-D-LITE camera, the version with a built-in IMU. I have a question about position and orientation of the IMU frame wrt. any of camera's frames.
I am going to attach it in ROS2 to a robot base and I would like to use also IMU for EKF. Current version of the OAK-D-LITE does not have a imu_frame published. I am able to modify description package by myself but I am not able to find a proper transformation of the imu frame.
I found a file luxonis/depthai-boardsblob/main/boards/OAK-D-LITE.json which contains some transformations but I verified it with other cameras in ROS2 which supports IMU and IMU's transformation from that file does not match IMU's tranformation in ROS2.
Could you help me to localise that frame?
Best regards