I am using depth_ ros _driver package in ros-noetic and when i visualize the point cloud data in the rviz it is inaccurate I will attach the images below. Can any one give me a solution to correct it
Inaccurate Point Cloud Data from OAK-D Pro Wide Camera
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This is the output i got from launching the visualizing the point cloud in the depthai viewer
looks good.
@Luxonis-Adam is there a setting that has to be set to make rviz work? Calibration seems to be fine.
Hi, I think it will be best if we follow BUG template here to get some more information. For noetic, in the newest version you can specify parameter stereo_i_depth_preset: DEFAULT which should also improve things
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Luxonis-Adam jakaskerl The point cloud data that is provided int he depthai viewer is different from the point cloud data we see in the Rviz. So I need to rectify that give me a solution for that. I have a question are we able to make the point cloud data by only using the RGB ? I will send you the detailed explanation in the BUG report and the expected outcome and How should i send it it is through git or in this discuss.