Is there any community examples / walkthroughs of using oak-d as an IP camera to stream RGB with synced depth maps over wifi? It is often inconvenient to use PoE or USB.

I did see the IoT flavor that was discontinued (can we bring it back!?) but I am unfamiliar with ESP-32 and confused how that works together with an Oak-d. If I use say a Pi and run a linux script it is straightforward to connect to the device over USB and run an RTSP or other server. How does that translate to ESP-32?

If I could get a nudge or some pointers to some references that'd be great.

    IoT is community support only and I don't recommend getting it. If you want WiFi, either CM4 (comes with a WiFi dongle) or Series4 with WiFi antenna are you options.



      Thanks for the pointers!

      I wish there was a prebuilt flavor that felt exactly the same as an Oak-D I plug in over usb or ethernet.

      It sounds like I would run my own server to stream out with one of those options?