I tried to set up the new OAK4-D Pro via local setup: https://setup.luxonis.com/configuration/oak4d
I have connected the ethernet to my computer and am powering it via USB C.
When I scan the QR code, the camera goes from flashing blue to flashing green. After a few seconds, it rapidly flashes red and then goes back to flashing blue.
The information next to the QR code mentions that red flashing means that the setup is not finalized, possibly due to a failed internet connection. Are there any other reasons it could fail?
The local setup does not connect to the internet correct?
I also tried multiple USB-C chargers with more than 30W capacity and all had the same issue.
I tried to ssh root@ip to run the setup command manually but that resulted in:
ssh: connect to host connection refused
Is there anything else I could try?
When is the hub setup expeted to be available for the OAK4_D Pro?