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I want to use OAK-D Pro PoE and YOLOv8 or 9 instance segmentation model to detect metal cubes:
1. Detect objects using ColorCamera
2. Calculate world coordinates using depthFrame of monoCameras.
To achieve this goal, I referred to the following documents.
## depthAI Reference Documents
estimate extrinsics["cam_to_world"] using colorCamera intrinsic_mat @ (3840, 2160)
**intrinsic_mat is dependent of camera resolution.**
extrac HFOV in dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_C.
estimate [X{cam}, Y{cam}, Z_{cam}] using depthFrame.
**HFOV is independent of camera resolution.**
set same resolution of colorCamera, monoCameras with 720P.
but colorCamera can't support 720P resolution, so setted 1080P
stereo DepthAlign to rgbCamSocket.
all cameras resolution has setted 1080P
4. YOLO Segment & Depth | OAK-D Pro PoE
create YOLOv8n-seg blob using http://blobconverter.luxonis.com/
but got error posted at https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/5556-oak-d-pro-poe-error
## Developement Plan and Question
1. cameraPose.py generate extrinsics["cam_to_world"] with checkerboard.
get and save extrinsics["cam_to_world"]
but about What camera, ColorCamera or MonoCamera intrinsic_mat ?
and What resolution is setted 1080P, 720P ?
Or stereo's rectifiedRight or syncedRight in the same pipeline as main.py's pipeline?
2. main.py detect and estimate world coordinates.
host detect cube using rgbFrame.
- then I can use any size, any resolution model images of model input.
Get postprocessed depth with stereo DepthAlign to rgbCamSocket
but when we have got extrinsics["cam_to_world"] for CAM_C
Doesn't stereo DepthAlign affect extrinsics["cam_to_world"] matrix?
If I set depthAlign to CAM_A in stereoDepth, does the depth information become Z_cam of ColorCamers?
Estimate camera cooordinates using depthFrame, BBox, segementation mask.
Finally, camera coords are converted to world coords using extrinsics["cam_to_world"].
Are there any additional issues that need to be carefully considered in the above plan?