We ordered quite a lot of OAK-D PRO W. But the latest batches have a 940 band pass filter and only sensitive to visible and 940nm infrared. In our application we need the mono/stereo cameras to be sensitive to 850nm and lower since the medium we are using doesn't work with 940nm.
We have no need for the illuminator since we use an external infrared light source.
I'v been speaking to the sales department and they recommended me posting in this forum.
So for our application we need one RGB sensor, with a DFOV of >= 120 degrees. Better image quality than the one in the OAK-D PRO W would be great if possible.
And we also need two monochrome camera modules for the stereo camera with a DFOV >= 150 degrees and most important sensitive to 850nm.
I had a look at the CCM at https://rvc4.docs.luxonis.com/hardware/platform/sensors/ccms/ but they don't say anything regarding what filters these have.
Could Luxonis provide us with a custom solution or would we able to DIY the solution with the CCM and what camera modules should we then use?
Any input would be appreciated!