When I run my fine tuned yolov8 detection model on an Oakd SR, it outputs an error
Mask is not defined for output layer with width '3549'. Define at pipeline build time using 'setAnchorMasks' for 'side3549'
My understanding is that yolov8 is anchorless so I am not sure why it is outputting this error. When I try using the blob model provided by Luxonis (yolov8n_coco_640x352.blob), there isn't any issues.
I tried setting anchors for the DetectionNetwork but it is still an issue. Note that I am using BlobConverter to convert my fine tuned yolov8n model. I tried using tools.luxonis but it keeps outputing an error 500.
Can anyone provide an insight into my it is outputting that error even though you are not suppose to specify anchors for yolov8?