• Hardware
  • Harware to be choosen for pick and place on conveyor at high speed

Hello everyone,

We are using 2D cams to operate delta robots for high speed picking and would like to turn to 3D for bags.

I wonder if there is a solution with Luxonis for that considering:

  • Location of the bag will be the cog of a 3D blob (everything above conveyor + 5 mm)
  • The FOV is approx 500mm x 250 mm.
  • Camera distance is approx 500 mm.
  • The belt is moving up to 200 mm/s (blurr?…)
  • We need a tight sync between the picture acquisition and encoder latching for the robot controller to be able to associate the result with the belt position. (could be either fast reaction to an external trigger input, or a less strict reaction but the a strobe output synch with frame acquisition to return to the robot)
  • Accuracy is not an issue +/- 3mm in the 3 dimensions.

Thanks for your recommendations.

    You can use either OAK-D SR or OAK-D ToF for your setup:

    • OAK-D SR: Works great for short-range depth sensing and 3D blob detection. Its global shutter helps reduce motion blur, so it should be able to handle your conveyor speed.
    • OAK-D ToF: Uses a Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor to measure depth more accurately. It's also better in low light and for precise focus on objects.