Hi I'm using OAK-D Pro PoE with ROS2 Humble
When I ran the code “ros2 launch depthai_ros_driver camera.launch.py”, I saw that the hz of the topic was 2-5, so I modified the camera.yaml as below.
/**: ros__parameters: camera: i_enable_imu: true i_enable_ir: true i_nn_type: spatial i_pipeline_type: RGB nn: i_nn_config_path: depthai_ros_driver/yolo rgb: i_low_bandwidth: true left: i_low_bandwidth: true right: i_low_bandwidth: true stereo: i_low_bandwidth: true
And it worked
But, when i change i_pipeline_type to RGBD
Arrived frame type (14) is not either NV12 or YUV400p (8-bit Gray) error occured.
So, I tried to fix this error by add stereo: i_subpixel = false.
(Here is the reference luxonis/depthai-rosissues/529)
But it didn't work
Please Help me