• Hardware
  • High latency on camera and ping loss


I've been through this tutorial : https://docs.luxonis.com/hardware/platform/deploy/poe-deployment-guide/

Here is my setup :

  • OAK-1 PoE
  • tp-link 6-Port 10/100Mbps Desktop PoE+ Switch
  • Orange live box fibre

But i have some issues :

  • My OAK device has a yellow blinking led, is it normal?

  • I've been abale to run depthai_viewer but it is very slow (around 5 secs of latency)

  • I've run the tests scripts, and it seems the PoE should be supporting 1000Mbps :

    python3 poe_test.py

    Connecting to ...

    mxid: 14442C1021CC8BD700 (OK)

    speed: 100 (FAIL)

    full duplex: 1 (OK)

    boot mode: 3 (OK)

    python3 oak_bandwidth_test.py

    Downlink 91.1 mbps

    Uplink 90.5 mbps

    python3 tests/oak_latency_test.py

    Average latency 16.35 ms, Std: 2.9

  • When i run other example scripts such as oak.py, it works if i flash the code but not when i boot the device :

    python3 oak.py

    [14442C1021CC8BD700] [] [1730275836.817] [host] [warning] Monitor thread (device: 14442C1021CC8BD700 []) - ping was missed, closing the device connection

    [2024-10-30 09:10:48.555] [depthai] [error] Device with id 14442C1021CC8BD700 has crashed. Crash dump logs are stored in: /Luxonis/.cache/depthai/crashdumps/d7c6d41360c86ecdbadd0fb84dada6b0e2fa94cf/crash_dump.json - please report to developers.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/Luxonis/oak.py", line 142, in <module>

    with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:

    RuntimeError: Device already closed or disconnected: Input/output error

Is it mandatory to have PoE injector/switch with 1000Mbps?

Due to my problems is it possible that i made something else wrong?


    It is not mandatory but some apps might not work as they are relying on high bandwidth to send frames. You can try running scripts such as rgb_preview.py to check if it works. The preview size is quite small and 100mbps bandwidth should be enough to support it.
