Hi Jaka
I am trying to convert the yolov8n model which i trained recently howeven when i try to convert it i am getting this error
An error occurred
Error while loading model
Please try again or reach out to us on our Discuss or create an issue on GitHub
May i know why is this happening.
This is what i trained on and i stopped after 500 epochs. !yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov8n.pt data=data.yaml epochs=1200 imgsz=640 plots=True save=True save_period=5 project='/content/drive/MyDrive/yolov8/model1' name='model1' patience=100
What can i do to fix it ? Inference works fine only blob conversion there is an issue. Any other way to do it ?
Also what's the FPS i am expecting in yolov8n?