Maybe you could post how you tested it? This is the script I used. It works when I remove the in node for the camera control (lines 35-37) but I just get auto settings.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import depthai as dai
import av
from fractions import Fraction
# Create pipeline
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
# VideoEncoder H265/H265 limitation; max 250MP/sec, which is about 20FPS @ 12MP
fps = 20
# Define sources and output
camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
camRgb.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_12_MP) # (4056, 3040)
imageManip = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip)
# YUV420 -> NV12 (required by VideoEncoder)
imageManip.initialConfig.setResize(4032, 3040)
imageManip.setMaxOutputFrameSize(18495360) # where does this value come from ???
# Properties
videoEnc = pipeline.create(dai.node.VideoEncoder)
videoEnc.setDefaultProfilePreset(fps, dai.VideoEncoderProperties.Profile.H265_MAIN)
# Linking
xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
## Fails with: "Out of memory while creating pool for 'bitstream' frames. Number of frames: 4 each with size: 18678784B"
controlIn = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn)
controlIn.setStreamName('control') # Link to camera control input
# Connect to device and start pipeline
with dai.Device(pipeline, dai.DeviceInfo("184430107195680F00"), maxUsbSpeed=dai.UsbSpeed.HIGH) as device,'video.mp4', mode='w') as file:
# Output queue will be used to get the encoded data from the output defined above
q = device.getOutputQueue(name="bitstream", maxSize=30, blocking=True)
codec = av.CodecContext.create('hevc', 'w')
stream = file.add_stream('hevc')
stream.width = 4032
stream.height = 3040
stream.time_base = Fraction(1, 1000 * 1000)
start_ts = None
print('Press CTRL+C to stop recording... Use VNC to view video.')
while True:
frame: dai.ImgFrame = q.get() # Blocking call, will wait until a new data has arrived
if start_ts is None:
start_ts = frame.getTimestampDevice()
packet = av.Packet(frame.getData())
ts = int((frame.getTimestampDevice() - start_ts).total_seconds() * 1e6) # To microsec
packet.dts = ts + 1 # +1 to avoid zero dts
packet.pts = ts + 1 = stream
file.mux_one(packet) # Mux the Packet into container
With camera control, this is the log message:
(venv) bwadmin@proactive-sandy:~/luxonis$ python
Press CTRL+C to stop recording... Use VNC to view video.
[184430107195680F00] [3.4] [1.371] [VideoEncoder(2)] [critical] Out of memory while creating pool for 'bitstream' frames. Number of frames: 4 each with size: 18678784B