For the past few months I have been trying to get the depthai viewer to run correctly. Today, I ran the command "python -m depthai-viewer" within my terminal and it executed as so. The viewer was able to recognize my device as so("Poe….). I was able to successfully see the point cloud, both right and left camera view along with depth.
However I while using it for more than 5 minutes, the led under the camera turn yellow but it still displayed the point cloud and etc. What does the yellow led indicate and how can I resolve it? I tried to research it on my own but nothing popped up.
Another question is within the one of the screenshots that I will attach. As the viewer was running, my terminal populated some information which I assumed is about the camera usage. But does this affect the camera in anyway? My second question is the usual question I have asked before, how do I make the point cloud better and clearer.