I’m trying to reimage an OAK device that isn’t functioning correctly. I've tried reimaging with a microSD card but when I insert the card in the raspberry pi, it doesn't recognize it. I think this is because these devices store the OS in the eMMC storage
This is what I’ve been trying to follow : Deploy with Raspberry Pi (luxonis.com)
I've tried flashing the OS image the eMMC but there is no barrel jack on these devices for the 5V power (I provided power through ethernet which provides 5V power) and also enabled the USB boot option on the raspberry pi but it gets stuck on waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711…
These were the steps I tried for the USB device boot:
raspberrypi/usbboot: Raspberry Pi USB booting code, moved from tools repository (github.com)
Tried on WSL, raspberry pi, and Cygwin
I’ve also looked into multiple online forums that have ran into this issue but have not been able to get this resolved yet.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.