@erik Thanks for your help!!! the lib dependency is not longer a issue now.
After adding imu.enableFirmwareUpdate(True)
line into rtabmap_vio_slam.py
and re-running it, I receive the following error message:
Does that means I need to calibrate the IMU and camera again? or is there any factor calibrated matrix I can use for SLAM?
python3 rtabmap_vio_slam.py
[1844301041693CF500] [3.6] [1.682] [IMU(2)] [warning] IMU 'enableFirmwareUpdate' is deprecated! Use 'device.startIMUFirmwareUpdate'
[1844301041693CF500] [3.6] [1.710] [IMU(2)] [warning] Performing IMU firmware update, do NOT disconnect the device.
[1844301041693CF500] [3.6] [1.832] [IMU(2)] [warning] IMU firmware update status: 0%
[2024-07-30 15:59:45.717] [ThreadedNode] [error] Node threw exception, stopping the node. Exception message: IMU calibration data is not available on device yet.