
I want to use a OAK-D-Pro W with high fps and temporal filter enabled, but grab only every n-th frame from the camera. I tried having the camera run @100 fps. On my PC I run a script with output queue (maxSize=1, blocking=false). With 10fps I call queue.get(). Will I get every 10th frame from the camera? I tried that with OAK-D-Pro W with temporal filter enabled (alpha = 0.1) and my output looked the same weather I have 100fps or 10 fps set on the camera.

Would it be better to set a callback for that and just skip 10 times when ever the callback is triggered?

Thank you

    Hi rbn23

    rbn23 With 10fps I call queue.get(). Will I get every 10th frame from the camera?

    Likely no. While the mono cameras are able to run at 100fps, the depth is not. So using a timer wouldn't work. I'd recommend to run ̣get() for each frame and just discard it unless it's the 10th frame.


    Thanks for the response!

    How much FPS can the camera do for depth?


    Hi @rbn23

    Try lowering the depth resolution if you can. Anything above 400p will exponentially lower the FPS. The numbers recorded are when no other process is running on the device.



    so with subpixel and LR check I get 96 with no other process on the camera.

    My question is: will ge() with blocking=false in the queue disrupt anything in the pipeline on the camera or can I call it whenever I want and get the actual frame no matter when it is called?


      Hi rbn23
      Generally, nothing will be disturbed on the device itself, but the host loop will halt unless a frame is present.
