I have seen that today as well (with a rather recent firmware blob)
[coneslayer_node-2] [2024-09-28 05:05:55.299] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished
[coneslayer_node-2] [2024-09-28 05:05:55.462] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.28.tar.xz' open: 5ms, archive read: 157ms
[coneslayer_node-2] [2024-09-28 05:05:56.029] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-9ed7c9ae4c232ff93a3500a585a6b1c00650e22c.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 736ms
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1727499957.062681135] [oak_container]: Load Library: /homeubuntu/ros2/ws_livox/install/ros_coneslayer/lib/libros_coneslayer.so
[coneslayer_node-2] [2024-09-28 05:05:57.080] [host] [debug] Device - OpenVINO version: 2022.1
[coneslayer_node-2] [19443010E13A7A2700] [1.1] [287.268] [system] [info] Cpu Usage - LeonOS 51.97%, LeonRT: 45.45%
average rate: 24.962
min: 0.020s max: 0.065s std dev: 0.00919s window: 4217
[coneslayer_node-2] F: [global] [ 246033] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherResponseServe:928 no request for this response: XLINK_READ_REL_RESP 1
So, this time around, it was only running for 5 minutes:-( But that's one of the shorter runs:-( After that, my ROS node does not produce any topic messages any longer:-(