I'm running an oak-d pro over poe, RGB output on it's own is fine (~100ms) latency and depth alone is ok, but when i enable both depth and rgb output the latency becomes very high (675ms).
Is this expected? I've run the experimental test scripts:
mxid: 18443010618AE9F400 (OK)
speed: 1000 (OK)
full duplex: 1 (OK)
boot mode: 3 (OK)
Downlink 892.6 mbps
Uplink 221.3 mbps
Average latency 1.77 ms, Std: 0.1
and they all look ok. It's connected to a desktop via a single switch.
Attached is an MRE, in the current state I get:
Mean depth latency in ms: 97.56883333333333
Mean frame rate: 19.432195182464387
with the rgb output uncommented I get:
Mean depth latency in ms: 670.4786401869159
Mean frame rate: 17.065788134779535
Thanks in advance!