Such a great work producing a minimalistic hardware like this ! kudos for that. Whats bothering my mind is that how is ESP32 talking to the MOVIDIOUS ( i understand its through SPI ), I'm more worried abt the software part of it. Are you using OpenVino in order to control movidious? if so then where would be this OpenVino installed?

thank you in advance 😁

    Hi sanjith ,

    Thanks for the kind words! So the firmware to support this we are implementing directly. The neural models will still be fully OpenVINO compatible... and upgradeable via SPI/etc. But no computer is needed for it to run... in fact once the SPI protocol is fully running you will even be able to transfer the OpenVINO model over SPI completely without a computer... for example from AWS-IoT.

    In fact we have an initial implementation for the DepthAI SPI communication (streaming of NN metadata for now). The more final SPI protocol is not integrated yet (we are building it internally, will be CRC-checked binary format), so for now the packet consists of a NULL-terminated string.
    The DepthAI boot and initialization is still done by USB, and afterwards an SPI controller can pull the data off SPI. Tested with ESP32:

    The ESP32 app is based on this example:
    with these modifications:


    Also, to use this on existing hardware (e.g. BW1098OBC), here is the pinout information:


    Hi @sanjith ,

    So SPI support is still under development. So right now the code (binary running on the Myriad X) and model are still being loaded over USB.

    And then the SPI communication is done after the device is booted over USB.

    So we are in the process of ordering future designs which will allow DepthAI to boot over NOR flash (and then also eMMC, but a different model). See here for example of a board with integrated ESP32 and NOR-flash boot. And then we also do have extremely limited number of NOR-flash-boot samples for interfacing with other embedded systems now here. The high price is temporary while the stock is so low... we don't want to stock out.

    So later there will exist the capability for a SPI controller to load the neural network and binary code to DepthAI over SPI. We have not written this yet.