Hello, I'd like to ask about a recent issue. I received a new FFC-4p R1M0E3 board recently and used the Flash Bootloader. After testing, I connected a camera and it was able to run a demo. However, today when I tried testing again, I encountered the following error: when I unplug the camera and run System Information, it runs successfully. But when I plug in the camera and run System Information, the same error occurs. Even when I connect an IMU separately, without the camera, I can read IMU data. However, when I insert the camera, the same error occurs. When running System Information, I haven't defined any camera nodes; I've just connected the camera to the carrier board. Could you please advise on what I should do?
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND