Hi all! Apologies if this has already been addressed, but I couldn't find mention. I just setup my OAK-D-Lite on a Windows 10 machine and am exploring the DepthAI (v3.0.8) demo program and it seems to be working, except the X, Y, Z estimate for detected objects are all being reported as 0.00 m. Is there a step I am missing to enable the depth estimates to be reported or something I can do to troubleshoot? I also tried the same thing on a RPi - fresh OS install and got the same behavior (i.e., no X, Y, Z estimates).

Also, for whatever reason the 'DepthAI' link in my Programs folder just takes me to the icon (.ico) file...the one on the desktop launches the demo program correctly, except its icon is missing. Any thoughts?

    Hello bssackma , we are looking into this, we will update you asap - sorry for the inconvenience!
    Kind regards, Erik

    Hi bssackma,

    Could you take a screenshot of the depth preview? This will allow us to verify if the device is calibrated correctly

    I tested the demo program on my Windows 10 machine today with 3 different cameras; OAK-D-Lite (Auto-focus), OAK-D-Lite (Fixed-focus), and a standard OAK-D -- all exhibit the same behavior in that they no X/Y/Z info being displayed. Here is a screenshot. Thanks for your help!

      Sure thing! This is from the OAK-D-Lite (AF) from approximately the same position as the first screenshot...

        bssackma Thanks! We already have a fix for this, will circle back once it's merged and a new version of the demo gets released

        FYI:I also have the same problem using OAK-D on Linux Mint 20.2. It is also occurs guided+manual_test and any EXAMPLE I ran, x, y, z= zero.

        On my Pi 4 I was a unable to run the depthai_demo GUI. When I ran it 2 screens were displayed, color and depth x, y, z= zero. Also, any EXAMPLE I ran, x, y, z= zero.

        Pi 4 system, 8GB RAM, 32GB SD card, Buster OS full update.

        Looking forward to trying out your fix...

        • erik replied to this.

          Hello Hardrain2 , this issue should have been already fixed with the latest depthai release (or simply pulling latest main commit). Could you give it a try?
          Thanks, Erik

          Hi, I installed depthai-3.0.9 and it resolved the missing depth number on depthai_demo.py, guided_manual_test.py and few Example tests I tried.

          This leaves the previous issue on Pi 4. Should the depthai_demo.py GUI be able to run on Pi 4. When run on my Pi 4 it displays a color and depth screen, not the GUI?

          Thanks, Hardrain2

          • erik replied to this.

            Hello Hardrain2 , by default, it's disabled on the RPI since GUI consumes more resources (getting lower FPS) compared to just showing color/depth streams. I believe you can also enable it with an argument --guiType qt (not 100% on this though).
            Thanks, Erik

            Hi, I gave the --guiType qt a try. Got error, QT not available, then message suggested "cv"
            So I tried that --guiType "cv" and the original two screens I got color and depth were displayed.
            So, from my point of view, this is a wrap, more resources is never good on Pi.

            Thanks, Hardrain2