
We received a Oak-D SR PoE today, and the example depth script looks very promising. Do you also have an example already where the rgb is linked / aligned to the ToF?

We are trying to connect to the rgb's ourselves, but it mentions that the Camera is not detected on Socket: 2 (when trying to link it to socket_C). It works for the one on Socket_B

Note that when I run cam_test it finds both sockets, as well as ToF

I do notice that the cam_test opens up the ToF plot and two grayscale mono plots, whereas they are rgb sensors, right?

We now managed to get both rgbs working (was an issue with vs code and dependencies). But it would still be nice if you'd already have an example script where rgb and ToF depth are connected / aligned / synced

When we run the tof depth script we get this output, which visually looks nice! In this example we have aimed it at the wall at approximately 62 cm, but if we print the value of depth_map from the wall it returns a value around 360 (mm?). So before it is colorized. Is this supposed to be the absolute depth, or should we do anything to obtain the absolute values from here?

Hi @Tsjarly
The calibration of ToF is FW bound and is work in progress so the depth values will likely be off until we have that fixed. On device alignment is also in the works,

Thanks for the patience,