Hello Kanagasabapathi , sorry for the inconvenience. Just to double check, were you using the latest depthai installer (v3.0.8)?

2 months later

Hi I have this same error, Installing to c:\tmp and using DepthAI-setup-v3.0.9. When I installed to default path C:\Users\tricon\AppData\Local\Programs\DepthAI the shortcut to the desktop could not be created (error 5) access denied

    It was an AV problem. Bit Defender was preventing the application from working correctly. I killed the AV and it installed without error.

    a year later

    Our corporate IT won't allow me to disable virus protection. I also am not even sure what our virus scanner is detecting in

    • erik replied to this.

      We have plenty of other computers but I would like to get it to work with my assigned company laptop so that I can continue development. I saw that they may have allowed the file above but still need to check that. If that still doesn't work, then I'll try the manual steps you posted.