I'm working on an autonomous wheelchair system that uses OAK-D Pro W cameras for person tracking and obstacle detection. The camera stands at a height of 2 meters, looking down at a 27° angle. The IR laser dot projector is set to 765mA, and the flood IR LED is off. The following options are set in the dai::node::StereoDepth
I have found that for some very specific tiled surfaces, the camera will underestimate the depth of the ridges between tiles, placing them a lot closer to the camera then they're actually are. However this is only a problem when the IR laser dot is on — artifacts disappear when it is turned off. See the pictures below for examples:
Depth image with IR laser dot turned on — notice the light blue (low depth) artifacts inside the white circle.
The same surface images with the IR laser dot off — no artifacts are seen.
The thing about this issue is that it's extremely hard to reproduce. So far I have been unable to find another environment where it's so consistently found as the one above. For example, none of these tiled surfaces show the same pattern:
On the other hand, this flight of stairs shows depth artifacts even with the laser dot turned off:
Has anyone seen similar issues? Any suggestions on how to address it?