I ordered my OAK-D about a year or so ago and I've been very pleased with the performance up until now. Yesterday I started running into a strange issue where I get the below errors when attempting to connect to the cameras via python:

[14442C10E1D211D100] [8.439] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Left camera - NOT detected!
[14442C10E1D211D100] [8.439] [system] [error] Attempted to start Mono Right camera - NOT detected!

The weird thing is that this is the first time I am seeing this, and I have not touched the code in weeks. Any ideas as to what could be happening?

  • erik replied to this.

    myu1019 It would be possible that you are running old depthai version which doesn't (firmware) support these mono cameras. Could you check which depthai version you have (python3 -mpip show depthai)? If it's not the latest 2.13.3, could you try installing it (python3 -mpip install depthai -U) and try again?
    Thanks, Erik

    Name: depthai
    Summary: DepthAI Python Library
    Author: Luxonis
    License: MIT
    Location: /home/odroid/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
    Required-by: depthai-sdk

    Above is the output I get. Below is the output I get from running the script:
    Using depthai module from: /home/odroid/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
    Depthai version installed:
    Setting up demo...
    Available devices:
    [0] 14442C10E1D211D100 [X_LINK_UNBOOTED]
    USB Connection speed: UsbSpeed.SUPER
    Disabling depth...
    No previews available, adding color and nnInput...

    What concerns me is the "Disabling depth...." line. Not sure if that helps at all.

    Okay found the solution to the problem. After opening up the camera I found that the left camera and the right camera cables somehow got disconnected. From being jostled around maybe? But after reconnecting the cables everything seems to be functioning properly. Below is a picture of the culprit cables (circled in red, these were disconnected, took the picture after reconnecting them)

    Is there any way to mark this as "Solved"?

    • erik replied to this.

      Hello myu1019 , really interesting that cameras were disconnected from just using/transporting them, I have only heard that it happened a few times during the shipping (as packets are getting tossed around). Thanks for informing us that it works! I have just wrote SOLVED on your top post๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks again, Erik