Hi Erik. Thanks for the tips. I played with the existing parameters, and will give the in progress filters a try at some point. The quality of point clouds we get out of a D435 is barely adequate for our application with a good amount of filtering. Looking at the output of the Oak-D, I am skeptical that we will get adequate point clouds out of it. One obvious issue is the lack of a projector and consequent lack of depth estimate, or poor depth estimate for parts of the scene with little texture. I know you guys are working on a product with a projector, or we could add a projector ourselves. However, even ignoring the lack of texture related issues, I've found it hard to balance having decent depth estimate fill rate while not having significant spurious depth estimates when playing with the existing parameters. I'll keep evaluating though, and we may also find a use that is more in line with the spatial AI stuff that you guys appear to focus on.