Hello All,
My first post. Great work, Brandon. I'm very excited to come across DepthAI, and to promptly receive my USB3 with modular cameras, over here in the UK.
I believe I've followed the relevant documentation for setting up the USB3 and for setting up the host side on different platforms.
Unfortunately, I appear to be hitting an initial data issue. I'm posting here to gain guidance, and potentially document for other new starters who may, in the future, face a similar issue.
python3 test.py output below:
`python3 depthai.py
No calibration file. Using Calibration Defaults.
Using Arguments= {'config_overwrite': None, 'board': None, 'field_of_view': 71.86, 'rgb_field_of_view': 68.7938, 'baseline': 9.0, 'rgb_baseline': 2.0, 'swap_lr': True, 'store_eeprom': False, 'clear_eeprom': False, 'override_eeprom': False, 'device_id': '', 'dev_debug': None, 'force_usb2': None, 'cnn_model': 'mobilenet-ssd', 'disable_depth': False, 'draw_bb_depth': False, 'full_fov_nn': False, 'streams': ['metaout', 'previewout'], 'video': None}
depthai.version == 0.0.10a
depthai.dev_version == 38cbd9ac41ff7e817dc4faa3e050f7033f71f797
XLink initialized.
Sending device firmware "cmd_file": /home/jim/depthai/depthai/depthai.cmd
Successfully connected to device.
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
watchdog started 3000
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
Closing stream config_d2h: DONE.
WARNING: Version (dev) does not match (unknown & 38cbd9ac41ff7e817dc4faa3e050f7033f71f797)
EEPROM data: invalid / unprogrammed
Available streams: ['meta_d2h', 'left', 'right', 'disparity', 'depth_sipp', 'metaout', 'previewout', 'jpegout', 'video', 'object_tracker']
CNN configurations read: /home/jim/depthai/depthai/resources/nn/mobilenet-ssd/mobilenet-ssd_depth.json
depthai: Calibration file is not specified, will use default setting;
config_h2d json:
Attempting to open stream config_h2d
Successfully opened stream config_h2d with ID #1!
Writing 1000 bytes to config_h2d
!!! XLink write successful: config_h2d (1000)
Closing stream config_h2d: ...
Closing stream config_h2d: DONE.
Creating observer stream host_capture: ...
Attempting to open stream host_capture
Successfully opened stream host_capture with ID #0!
Creating observer stream host_capture: DONE.
Read: 14514560
Attempting to open stream inBlob
Successfully opened stream inBlob with ID #1!
Writing 14514560 bytes to inBlob
!!! XLink write successful: inBlob (14514560)
Closing stream inBlob: ...
Closing stream inBlob: DONE.
depthai: done sending Blob file /home/jim/depthai/depthai/resources/nn/mobilenet-ssd/mobilenet-ssd.blob
Attempting to open stream outBlob
Successfully opened stream outBlob with ID #2!
Closing stream outBlob: ...
Closing stream outBlob: DONE.
CNN input width: 300
CNN input height: 300
CNN input num channels: 3
CNN to depth bounding-box mapping: start(318, 78), max_size(643, 643)
Host stream start:metaout
Opening stream for read: metaout
Attempting to open stream metaout
Successfully opened stream metaout with ID #1!
Starting thread for stream: metaout
Host stream start:previewout
Opening stream for read: previewout
Attempting to open stream previewout
Started thread for stream: metaout
Successfully opened stream previewout with ID #2!
Starting thread for stream: previewout
depthai: INIT OK!
Started thread for stream: previewout
E: [global] [ 473466] [python3] XLinkReadData:165 addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime) failed with error: 3
Device get data failed: 3
Closing stream metaout: ...
E: [global] [ 473466] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_CLOSE_STREAM_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 473466] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1036 Event sending failed
Closing stream metaout: DONE.
Thread for metaout finished.
E: [global] [ 473468] [python3] XLinkReadData:165 addEventWithPerf(&event, &opTime) failed with error: 3
Device get data failed: 3
Closing stream previewout: ...
E: [global] [ 473468] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_CLOSE_STREAM_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 473468] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1036 Event sending failed
Closing stream previewout: DONE.
Thread for previewout finished.
watchdog triggered
Stopping threads: ...
Stopping threads: DONE 0.000s.
Closing all observer streams: ...
Closing stream host_capture: ...
E: [global] [ 475399] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_CLOSE_STREAM_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 475399] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1036 Event sending failed
Closing stream host_capture: DONE.
Closing all observer streams: DONE.
Reseting device: 0.
E: [global] [ 475399] [Scheduler00Thr] dispatcherEventSend:53 Write failed (header) (err -4) | event XLINK_RESET_REQ
E: [xLink] [ 475399] [Scheduler00Thr] sendEvents:1036 Event sending failed
Reseting: DONE.
XLink initialized.
Sending device firmware "cmd_file": /home/jim/depthai/depthai/depthai.cmd
Successfully connected to device.
Loading config file
Attempting to open stream config_d2h
Successfully opened stream config_d2h with ID #0!
Closing stream config_d2h: ...
The lines ..
WARNING: Version (dev) does not match (unknown & 38cbd9ac41ff7e817dc4faa3e050f7033f71f797)
EEPROM data: invalid / unprogrammed
.. sound a bit scary
- upon running test.py, the USB product ID changes from 2485 to a f63b, as detailed in the docs
- pressing the reset button on the board appears to make no discernible difference to the output, nor leaving the board to cycle through the same process many times
- I get the same output, irrespective of using a laptop or a Raspberry Pi
Laptop> Ubuntu LTS, Python 3.6.9
RaspberryPi> RaspberryPi OS, Python 3.7.3
Any and all guidance, most gratefully received.
I'm hoping it's something obvious.
Looking forward to seeing the depth & object detection in action,
Best regards,