Hi @Luxonis-Alex
thanks for the reply. Here's what I did:
(lowlight) PS C:\Users\ben93\PycharmProjects\depthai-python\examples\bootloader> python oem_eeprom_flasher_OAK_FFC_4P_POE_R2M0E2.py
[14442C10E1B336D200] [2.6] [6.642] [system] [warning] Calibration Data on device is empty
Name/conn/mxid: / 2.6 / 14442C10E1B336D200
Is EEPROM available: True
=== Backup created: backup__14442C10E1B336D200_20240509_173815_factory_raw.json
No factory calibration: No or invalid EEPROM configuration flashed, error: EEPROM_INVALID_DATA
=== Backup created: backup__14442C10E1B336D200_20240509_173815_user_raw.json
No user calibration: No or invalid EEPROM configuration flashed, error: EEPROM_INVALID_DATA
Double-check the correct device is addressed, this script could cause a soft-brick!
Sure to overwrite and remove all calib data?
>>> Type 'y' and press Enter to proceed, otherwise exits: y
EEPROM flashing...
EEPROM flashing OK, please power-cycle
Then I ran
C:\Users\ben93\anaconda3\envs\lowlight\python.exe C:\Users\ben93\PycharmProjects\depthai-python\examples\IMU\imu_firmware_update.py
IMU type: BNO086, firmware version: 3.9.9, embedded firmware version: 3.9.9
Warning! Flashing IMU firmware can potentially soft brick your device and should be done with caution.
Do not unplug your device while the IMU firmware is flashing.
Type 'y' and press enter to proceed, otherwise exits:
Prompt declined, exiting...
pressing "n" because it had a IMU calibration file.
Then I ran
(lowlight) PS C:\Users\ben93\PycharmProjects\depthai-python\examples\bootloader> python .\flash_bootloader.py network
[0] 14442C10E1B336D200 [X_LINK_USB_VSC] current bootloader: 0.0.26
Which DepthAI device to flash bootloader for [0..0]: 0
Warning! Flashing bootloader can potentially soft brick your device and should be done with caution.
Do not unplug your device while the bootloader is flashing.
Type 'y' and press enter to proceed, otherwise exits:
Booting latest bootloader first, will take a tad longer...
Bootloader version to flash: 0.0.26
Are you sure you want to flash 'NETWORK' bootloader over current 'USB' bootloader?
Type 'y' and press enter to proceed, otherwise exits:
Flashing NETWORK bootloader...
Flashing progress: 2.4%
Flashing progress: 6.0%
Flashing progress: 8.4%
Flashing progress: 12.0%
Flashing progress: 15.6%
Flashing progress: 19.2%
Flashing progress: 22.8%
Flashing progress: 26.4%
Flashing progress: 28.8%
Flashing progress: 32.4%
Flashing progress: 36.0%
Flashing progress: 39.6%
Flashing progress: 42.0%
Flashing progress: 45.6%
Flashing progress: 49.2%
Flashing progress: 52.8%
Flashing progress: 55.2%
Flashing progress: 58.8%
Flashing progress: 62.4%
Flashing progress: 66.0%
Flashing progress: 68.4%
Flashing progress: 80.8%
Flashing progress: 100.0%
Flashing successful. Took 11.687000000005355 seconds
Now, I could ping and can run all scripts over ethernet 👏 🙏 Now, not only the 0 0 light is flashing but also another. Maybe, that's a good/necessary/sufficient indicator for debugging for others as well?

Two follow-up questions if I may (let me know if I should open a new thread):
Does the IMU have the correct calibration file now or do I have to do anything about that?
I plugged in three cams (IMX477->CAMB-2L, IMX477 ->CAMA-4L, IMX462 -> CAMD-4L). I run them on branch camera_controls_misc (depthai== with firmware overwrite file "Overriding firmware: imx462_2lane_30fps_depthai-python-74f01448_separateExpLR.fw". I asked you earlier in some mails regarding the color shift for the different cams on some of the ports. I'm getting a significant color shift here again (with both the new firmware and without). Is there any way, I can correct for or avoid this color shift? (the issue is related to another post I created: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/3880-color-very-blueish-color-gradeexposure-settings)