• DepthAIROS
  • How to record color/depth/point cloud at the sametime

Hi. I have tried to record the data through these codes luxonis/depthai-experimentstree/master/gen2-record-replay. I have two questions:

  1. I can record color/depth by using the following command: python record.py -fc 300 --fps 30. But when i use this command python record.py -fc 300 --fps 30 -mcap, it will generate one mcap file.
  2. The recorded mcap file only contains depth/compressed color, but not pointcloud.

Could you please help with these problems?

    Also, i find that the depth image size is really small

    The resolution does not align with color image. Is it possible to save same depth/color images?


    RuixiaoZhang I can record color/depth by using the following command: python record.py -fc 300 --fps 30. But when i use this command python record.py -fc 300 --fps 30 -mcap, it will generate one mcap file.

    That is expected.

    RuixiaoZhang The recorded mcap file only contains depth/compressed color, but not pointcloud.

    The recording was introduced before poincloud so the feature isn't there. You can try and manually set the pointcloud message to be recorded to the mcap though. parser.add_argument('-save', '--save', default=["color", "left", "right"]


      jakaskerl Thank you for the quick reply, and I will try it.

      Another question: Is it possible to record aligned depth/color images using the script? Thanks