Hi there, I occasionally encounter "[ERROR]: No devices detected !" on FFC-4P. Please see the debug output below. It happens irregularly, and the only way to make the camera work again is to unplug & plug the port again, which is quite annoying, as the port is hidden inside the robot's body. It usually happens when the .yaml configuration within ROS driver is changed, so I suspect that some unexpected misconfiguration might lead to this error. Have you encountered this?
* /atb_front/camera_i_base_frame: oak-d_frame
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_pitch: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_pos_x: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_pos_y: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_pos_z: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_roll: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_cam_yaw: 0.0
* /atb_front/camera_i_enable_imu: True
* /atb_front/camera_i_imu_from_descr: False
* /atb_front/camera_i_mx_id: 14442C10013FE7D600
* /atb_front/camera_i_nn_type: none
* /atb_front/camera_i_parent_frame: oak-d-base-frame
* /atb_front/camera_i_pipeline_type: RGB
* /atb_front/camera_i_publish_tf_from_calibration: False
* /atb_front/rgb_i_fps: 30.0
* /atb_front/rgb_i_height: 1080
* /atb_front/rgb_i_output_isp: False
* /atb_front/rgb_i_resolution: 1080P
* /atb_front/rgb_i_set_isp_scale: False
* /atb_front/rgb_i_width: 1920
* /atb_front/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
atb_front (nodelet/nodelet)
atb_front_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
atb_front_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
set_log_level (rosservice/rosservice)
process[set_log_level-1]: started with pid [72460]
process[atb_front_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [72461]
process[atb_front_nodelet_manager-3]: started with pid [72462]
process[atb_front-4]: started with pid [72463]
[ INFO] [1712315252.547713726]: Loading nodelet /atb_front of type depthai_ros_driver/Camera to manager atb_front_nodelet_manager with the following remappings:
[ INFO] [1712315252.549594603]: waitForService: Service [/atb_front_nodelet_manager/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1712315252.562369353]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1712315252.570199953]: waitForService: Service [/atb_front_nodelet_manager/load_nodelet] is now available.
[2024-04-05 13:07:32.680] [depthai] [info] DEPTHAI_DEBUG enabled, lowered DEPTHAI_LEVEL to 'debug'
[2024-04-05 13:07:32.680] [depthai] [debug] Library information - version: 2.23.0, commit: from , build: 2023-11-16 01:21:34 +0000, libusb enabled: true
[2024-04-05 13:07:32.683] [depthai] [debug] Initialize - finished
[2024-04-05 13:07:32.751] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-bootloader-fwp-0.0.26.tar.xz' open: 1ms, archive read: 69ms
[2024-04-05 13:07:33.054] [depthai] [debug] Resources - Archive 'depthai-device-fwp-39a9d271a9ed0172f6481877723fca96d41b54c6.tar.xz' open: 2ms, archive read: 370ms
[ERROR] [1712315253.203087873]: No devices detected!
[ERROR] [1712315254.206850376]: No devices detected!
[ERROR] [1712315255.202826570]: No devices detected!
[ERROR] [1712315256.198874249]: No devices detected!