I've read the tutorials and watched the online videos and so, yes, very excited to use this new OakD-POE. However, none of the information covers powering on the Oak cameras from different devices. So, my recommendation is that we use this discussion as a resource to highlight various methods of powering the Oak camera.

My first case is : using the OakD-POE with an Acer laptop. How do you power up the camera from the laptop's Ethernet port? Is that port only an input with no power output?

My second case is : How do you connect the OakD-POE to the USB micro on a cellphone -- using the Ethernet POE?

What products are recommended for both cases?

    hi bhills ,
    I have just started to use POE myself and hand similar issues at the start.

    To get started with POE you would either need a POE injector or a Switch whihc has the 802.3at standart (nessasary the ensure enough power is able to get to the device)

    In my case i used this one here https://www.amazon.com.au/NETGEAR-ProSafe-Gigabit-Unmanaged-GS108PP-100AJS/dp/B0788BW8XG/ref=pd_bxgy_1/357-5919368-0706719?pd_rd_w=Oskva&pf_rd_p=5b6ff1ae-e7e6-4dc6-b109-10f436c454e8&pf_rd_r=PSRT7YK006T8XGAB69RC&pd_rd_r=7451ba51-86c5-43a6-a651-256599f7e895&pd_rd_wg=fbUX7&pd_rd_i=B0788BW8XG&psc=1 Which works like a charm and it is umanaged making it plug and play 🙂

    Sadly just connecting it to a laptops ehternet port will not work due to most of them (to my knowledge) do not have Power output.

    i hope that helps you out for the first part 🙂

      Sorry for the confusion. Yes, CodingArcher is correct that a POE port is required to power the OAK-*-POE devices, whether from a POE switch, or a POE injector.

      A bit more information on it is here:

      And just one small correction as a FYI CodingArcher - the OAK-*-POE can run off of the lower-power 802.3af devices. (We also work with the higher power 802.3at, 802.3bt, etc. - but those are not required).


      CodingArcher and Brandon, thanks for the replies, and it's great to know that the Docs are where to focus instead of chasing Yt Tutorial videos. As a sidenote, because the Luxonis docs are the helper I'm looking for, I ordered the Oak USB too to support the company.

        Great thank you! I also meant to say we can send you a Poe injector at no cost. If you’d like one shoot us an email at support@luxonis.com.

        We didn’t include them in the gift box because most just throw them away.

        Thanks again,

        4 days later

        In this message, I wanted to share the product that got POE power going simply for me. It was a 2-port POE search on Amazon leading to this below or similar:


        I hope to work with the Oak USB this weekend and will post any power information that might help learners here.


        Here I am, just received my OAK-D POE and I was wondering on what to use to power it up ...
        My use case is a bit different as I need the OAK-D to go underwater and connect it to a mothership on the surface (a buoy), so I need the smallest and simplest way to power it.
        Will something like this:


        be able to power it?

        I was hoping to use the 5V TYPE-C(1000M) model -- which will be connected to the USB and ETH ports on a nvidia TX2
        Otherwise, if the 5V is not enough, will the 12V DC version ... work better?

        I also found something like: https://tinyurl.com/5x2ewhnn which is even smaller .. will it work?

        Thanks for any advice!

        • erik replied to this.

          Hello epifanio,
          from my understanding the first item should work, as it matches the supported standard. I wouldn't advise using the second item, as there's no standard specified (at least I haven't found it). Brandon can elaborate on this, as I might be wrong.
          Thanks, Erik

          Yes, I'm not sure on the second one either. Feel free to try it out though. I don't think it will break anything on OAK-*-POE. And if it does, we'll take care of you (as it will be good to know!).

          25 days later

          Hi, so i got both device listed in my post and they did not work ...
          so I went to buy this guy:


          And it works! at least the RGB example 😃 - I have my OAK-D POE connected on one of the 2 ETH on my motherboard (which also has wifi) - I got it working by manually configuring the IPV4 settings:

          My plan is to connect the camera to an NVIDIA TX2 battery-powered .. I'll do some test to see how it behaves .. for the time being, I will test some code (opening another topic for my use case soon)

            2 years later

            Hi there, i have similar questions…

            For our project, we want to develop a sensor box with an OAK-D Pro W PoE, a Raspberry Pi 4 and other sensors. Since the sensor box will be outdoors and have no possibility of a power connection, the box will have a power bank with USB-C and USB-A inside. We have no room for a switch inside the box. How can we power the OAK-D camera? Are there PoE injectors that are powered via USB? Or do you recommend other solutions?

            Hi @amm
            Why not just have the switch indoors and have the ETH cable carry power to the device? If there is wired internet availability, shouldn't there be power as well?

            Another option is to power the device through M8 and use the M12 for comms only.


            • amm replied to this.
              7 days later

              Hi jakaskerl

              Thanks for the answer

              You probably understood something different. There is no switch and no wired internet in the sensor box. We connect the Raspberry Pi to the OAK-D and a power bank. And the sensor box is stand-alone.

              We would like to have as few cables as possible from the sensor box to the camera, as it needs to be waterproof and exposed in a harsh environment. For example, on a moving vehicle driving over hill and dale. We would therefore like to try this with the PoE.

              Do you have a recommendation for supplying power to the PoE cable if the power source is a power bank?

              Thanks, Manu

              Hi @amm
              You can power the device through a M8 port. You have two options:

              1. Use M8 for both power and comms (in this case, the device will work as USB2.0)
              2. Use M8 for power and M12 for comms (should work like normal). While this should work in the future, it currently doesn't and we are working on a fix.

              This likely won't work since you are limited to 5V


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