I have tested it with OAK-1-POE, OAK-D-POE, and 2 OAK-D-POE-PROs with AF color cameras. After updating the bootloaders (OAK-D-POE and OAK-1-POE were on 0.21 previously, and it worked as expected) via device_manager.py, the AF functionality is very strange. The camera will autofocus one time....that's the first time it wakes up, and you can see it going back and forth in and out of focus until it locks into a lens position. After that first time, you never see it doing that again. And you can setManualFocus(lens_pos) and the ctrl.setAutoFocusMode(dai.CameraControl.AutoFocusMode.OFF), and then if you try to set for ANY lens position, it will record the change in the lens_pos variable, but it doesn't seem to actually be calling the MOVE_LENS function embedded within the wrapper. This repeated for each of the 4 cameras....once updated, they no longer react to any lens position change, other than the metadata
What's the easiest way to downgrade the bootloaders? I have found that 0.21 and 0.22 work fine. 0.26 definitely isn't working as expected for me.